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Blog Archive
- 3 Doors Down - Loser - Music Video
- Addiction - Lova Lova - Superbus
- bette & tina i promise...
- Jane's Addiction Three Days Live 10-11-1990 Milan,...
- "My Eyes Won't Dry 3" Official bivouac by pro surf...
- Ocean Drive accomplishment DJ Oriska- Because
- Trainspotting (trailer)
- Submarino
- Three Days Grace Interview #2 Adam Gontier 2010
- IBOGAINE-Rite of Passage FULL DOCUMENTARY part1/6
- Rumor Roundup : Jane Says Spotify! Galaxy S II Upd...
- Home Movies 205 - Fenton's affair pt. 2
- A Chacun Son Histoire... - Accro au jeu, accro au ...
- Crematory -Greed-
- Jonas & the Massive Attraction - Addiction
- Cant Wait To Meet Ya - Travis Garland
- Ben: Diary Of A Heroin Addict
- National Geographic Russias Toughest Prisons Part 1-3
- The Black Crowes - She Talks To Angels (original v...
- How to 360, 540 and 720 Frontside or Backside (goo...
- Elder Scrolls Oblivion - Addiction (Shivering Isles)
- Jane's Addiction - Classic Girl (Video)
- IAMX - Tear Garden Corridor Clip
- I am additionally absorbed to Brain Crack
- My Caffeine Addiction
- Rihanna - Who's that banty [LYRICS]
- Juli - Süchtig - Super Qualität - Official Origina...
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- ProductiveMuslim Animation Series 3 - Clean the li...
- ICTON Minecraft Adventures - Rapture 0.1 (Minecraf...
- Russell organic label point for drug addicts
- Sex addiction
- At The Gates - Suicide Nation
- Devin Townsend - Addicted (high qaulity)
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- The alternative - Addiction
- Living Legends - Rabbit Hole (+ Lyrics)
- Powder - Episode 9
- Medina - Addiction (Official Video) HD
- / / / Addict / / / - Acro Paragliding training fil...
- Mix fun 4chan GIF (depending vol. 2)
- Eminem Interview on radio station 92.3 NOW (Explai...
- Gif addiction vol. 5
- Otep - Medusa
- Eric Prydz: Pjanoo
- David Guetta feat. Rihanna Who is the girl (night ...
- Type O Negative - Wolf Moon Live
- Dubstep Sale April 2011
- Damn YouTube: Uncle Phil Dangerous Drugs Addiction
- Reborn! Concert in Japan Part 3 Rokudo Mukuro and ...
- Raw For Life blow with Morgan Spurlock and Woody H...
- Scottish women - Scotland, Series 07 - Episode 04
- Bodybuilding Motivation - Performance of analgesics
- Youtube Crap: Billy Mays promotes addiction hardcore
- Lock Down the refusal cute is our goal + Lyrics
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Food and Addiction
What environmental factors contribute to obesity? Kelly Brownell of Yale University is the Public Health Director at the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity. He explores causes and prevention of obesity and other nutrition problems. He integrates information from many disciplines and specialties ranging from the basic physiology of body weight regulation to world politics and legislation affecting issues such as agriculture subsidies and international trade policies. Series: Food and Addiction: Environmental, Psychological and Biological Perspectives [5/2010] [Health and Medicine] [Professional Medical Education] [Show ID: 18340]
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6:30 AM
Labels: Addiction
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
World of Warcraft Addict
An editorial on World of Warcraft addict and internet addiction
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12:30 AM
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Velvet Assassin
Follow the Master as he deals with drug addiction and shanking, in Velvet Assassin.
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5:30 PM
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Kayla and Kupono-Addiction
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12:30 PM
Labels: KuponoAddiction
Monday, December 12, 2011
Amv - Welcome To My Secrets
Editor: Noss Download Link
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6:30 PM
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Drug Addiction (Smoking)
School project. If you need any of the pictures, the websites listed at the end of the video contain some of them. Song is by Snow Patrol, You Could Be Happy. The pictures are there for EFFECT. If you are upset about the cemetery, yes, it indeed is a veteran cemetery., but I used that photo because I couldn't find another good one. Sorry if you were offended, but I won't remake the video, that class is over.
Posted by
11:30 AM
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Kiss From A Rose - Kurt Nilsen, Espen Lind, Alejandro Fuentes, Askil Holm (Beautiful Seal Cover)
A beautiful cover version of Seal's "Kiss from A Rose" sung by Kurt Nilsen, Espen Lind, Alejandro Fuentes and Askil Holm. Lyrics: There used to be a greying tower alone on the sea You became the light on the dark side of me Love remained a drug that's the high not the pill But did you know that when it snows, my eyes become large And the light that you shine can be seen Baby, I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey Ooo, the more I get of you, the stranger it feels - yeah Now that your rose is in bloom A light hits the gloom on the grey There is so much a man can tell you, so much he can say You remain my power, my pleasure, my pain Baby, to me you're like a growing addiction that I can't deny Won't you tell me is that healthy, babe Did you know that when it snows, my eyes become large And the light that you shine can be seen Baby, I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey Ooo, the more I get of you, the stranger it feels - yeah Now that your rose is in bloom A light hits the gloom on the grey I've been kissed by a rose on the grey I've been kissed by a rose on the grey If I should fall will it all go away? I've been kissed by a rose on the grey I've been kissed by a rose on the grey There is so much a man can tell you, so much he can say You remain my power, my pleasure, my pain To me your like a growing addiction that I can't deny Now won't you tell me is that healthy, baby But did you know that when it snows, my eyes become large And the light that you ...
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Links below! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Twitter: Facebook: T-Shirts: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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2:30 AM
Sunday, December 4, 2011
This Is My Destiny
In Afghanistan an epidemic of drug addiction has seeped into every nook of society. This is the story of a place where opium has become so commonplace it is used to calm babies. Where mothers know it is bad for their children but offer it anyway, as the only palliative available. Brought to you by Journeyman Pictures:
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1:30 AM
Labels: Destiny
Friday, December 2, 2011
Recovering addicts talk about their journey.
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7:30 PM
Labels: Addiction
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Alkaline Trio- This Addiction (Live)
Alkaline Trio preform This Addiction' at the Regency Ballroom in San Francisco, CA.
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11:30 AM
Monday, November 28, 2011
3 Doors Down - Loser - Music Video
Breathe in right away. Nothing seems to fill this place. I need this everytime So take your lies, get off my case. Someday I will find A love that flows through me like this This will fall away, this will fall away. You're getting closer To pushing me off of life's little edge 'Cause I'm a loser And sooner or later you know I'll be dead You're getting closer You're holding the rope and I'm taking the fall 'Cause I'm a loser, I'm a loser, yeah. This is getting old. I can't break these chains that I hold My body's growing cold There's nothing left of this mind or my soul. Addiction needs a pacifier, the buzz of this poison is taking me higher. This will fall away, this will fall away. You're getting closer To pushing me off of life's little edge. 'Cause I'm a loser And sooner or later you know I'll be dead. You're getting closer You're holding the rope and I'm taking the fall 'Cause I'm a loser I'm a loser! You're getting closer To pushing me off of life's little edge. 'Cause I'm a loser And sooner or later you know I'll be dead. You're getting closer You're holding the rope and I'm taking the fall. 'Cause I'm a loser You're getting closer To pushing me off of life's little edge 'Cause I'm a loser And sooner or later you know I'll be dead. You're getting closer You're holding the rope and I'm taking the fall. 'Cause I'm a loser. __________________________________ Disclaimer. I DO NOT OWN THE MUSIC OR THE SONG,
Posted by
6:30 PM
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Addiction - Lova Lova - Superbus
Nouveau Single de Superbus
Posted by
11:30 PM
Saturday, November 19, 2011
bette & tina i promise...
I am completely under addiction of this couple, but how not the being
Posted by
3:30 PM
Labels: promise
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Jane's Addiction Three Days Live 10-11-1990 Milan, Italy
Janes Addiction Three Days 10-11-1990 The City Square; Milan, Italy.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
"My Eyes Won't Dry 3" Official bivouac by pro surfer and POV cinematographer Brian Conley.
"My Eyes Won't Dry 3- Tubular Addiction" Official trailer by professional surfer and Point Of View cinematographer Brian Conley. The Movie Collection (1,2 and 3) will be in stores October 2010. Conley takes viewers on a ride full of high adrenaline, risk, reward, stoke, beauty and trill. A state of the art documentation of the elements and sensation of tube riding in heavy surf. Brian puts it all on the line to fulfill his Tubular Addiction.
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11:30 AM
Labels: bivouac, cinematographer, Conley, Official, surfer
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Ocean Drive accomplishment DJ Oriska- Because
Because, because, because, Because, because of you Because, because of you Because No time for sleeping Because I'm falling in love with you baby Because No time for dreaming Because Because of you Toi et moi sur le chat C'est comme une addiction Tu m'écris tu me mattes Coupe pas la connexion Mon corps sur ton écran Impossible d'effacer Totalement dépendant de ma sensualité You don't see me You don't care And i'm just praying for something to share My heart burning i want you now It's so hard i've waited for too long Because No time for sleeping Because I'm falling in love with you baby Because No time for dreaming Because Because of you Appelle moi, rejoins moi,écris moi,connecte toi [x2] You don't see me You don't care And i'm just praying for something to share My heart burning i want you now Tt's so hard i've waited for too long Because No time for sleeping Because (appelle moi) I'm falling in love with you baby Because (connecte-toi) No time for dreaming Because Because of you Toi et moi sur le chat C'est comme une addiction Tu m'écris tu me mattes Coupe pas la connexion Mon corps sur ton écran Impossible d'effacer Totalement dépendant De ma sensualité (de ma sensualité) (totallement dépendant de ma sensualité) Because No time for sleeping Because I'm falling in love with you baby Because No time for dreaming Because Because of you Because No time for sleeping Because (appelle moi) I'm falling in love with you baby Because (connecte-toi) No time for dreaming Because ...
Posted by
4:30 PM
Labels: accomplishment, Because, Oriska
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Trainspotting (trailer)
Trainspotting is a 1996 Scottish film directed by Danny Boyle based on the novel of the same name by Irvine Welsh. The movie follows a group of heroin addicts in early 1990's economically-depressed Edinburgh and their passage through life. The film stars Ewan McGregor as Mark Renton, Ewen Bremner as Spud, Jonny Lee Miller as Sick Boy, Kevin McKidd as Tommy, Robert Carlyle as Begbie and Kelly Macdonald as Diane. Author Irvine Welsh also has a brief appearance as hapless drug dealer Mikey Forrester. The Academy Award-nominated screenplay, by John Hodge, was adapted from Welsh's novel. It does not contain any references to the non-drug-related hobby of train spotting. The title is a reference to an episode in the original book (not included in the film) where Begbie and Renton meet "an auld drunkard", who turns out to be Begbie's estranged father, in the disused Leith Central railway station, which they are visiting to use as a toilet. He asks them if they are "trainspottin'" (p309, Minerva edition). The title also relates to obsessive behavior (drug addicts obsess about getting their next fix just as trainspotters obsess about collecting train numbers) and to a slang term to inject heroin or "Mainline" it. Beyond drug addiction, other concurrent themes in the film are exploration of the urban poverty and squalor, in 'culturally rich' Edinburgh The film has since developed a cult following and has been ranked 10th spot by the British Film Institute (BFI) in its list of Top ...
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2:30 AM
Labels: TRAILER, Trainspotting
Sunday, November 6, 2011
The winner of Scandinavia's top film award, SUBMARINO tells the unforgettable story of two brothers, long estranged and haunted by a dark secret buried in their past, who live separate lives in modern day Copenhagen. Nick (Jakob Cedergren), a violent ex-con, tries to help out an old friend, but falls quickly into old habits. Meanwhile, his brother (Peter Plaugborg), raises his son, but is unable to escape the spectre of addiction. Each on a path to self-destruction, they must find each other - before it's too late.
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4:30 PM
Labels: Submarino
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Three Days Grace Interview #2 Adam Gontier 2010
Check out my backstage interview with Three Days Grace lead singer Adam Gontier. Three Days Grace is a rock band from Ontario, Canada. To date the band has released three best selling albums and charted six #1 singles on the mainstream rock charts. But before all of their success, Three Days Grace was simply a small band of high school students from Norwood, Ontario. It wasn't until several years after the group had formed and started playing that they got their first big break by putting together a demo version of I Hate Everything About You. The song sparked a bidding war between several major labels, even getting the President of Jive Records involved in an attempt to sign the act. Whatever he said must have worked, because soon after Three Days Grace officially signed to Jive Records. Shortly after signing, the band went into the studio to record their self titled debut album. And in July 2003, the record hit stores nationwide. Lead by the hit single that helped get them discovered, the album went on to become a commercial success selling over a million albums worldwide. The debut also featured the band's first #1 hit with Just Like You, and was played heavily on radio, putting Three Days Grace on the mainstream radar. Unfortunately, all of this success was soon met with downfall when lead singer Adam Gontier developed an addiction to the pain killer OxyContin. To combat the problem, Adam voluntarily checked himself into rehab and the band went on a brief hiatus ...
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5:30 AM
Monday, October 31, 2011
WWW.ICEERS.ORG for more info! A Revealing documentary about the most promising treatment modality for drug dependance available. It is the only substance we know, which is capable of blocking acute withdrawal in opioid addicts as well as cocaine and alcohol. Although the FDA decided in 1993 that Ibogaine showed enough signs of being an effective tool in the treatment of addiction, money is the problem; this natural occuring molecule cannot be patented and is not a maintenance drug with addictive properties; reason for the pharmaceutical industry not to invest in its development... Educate yourself about this unique tool! WWW.ICEERS.ORG for more info!
Posted by
12:30 PM
Labels: DOCUMENTARY, IBOGAINERite, part16, Passage
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Rumor Roundup : Jane Says Spotify! Galaxy S II Update, T-Pain Dumps AutoTune, Logitech Loses ...
Noah K tackles the biggest tech rumors of this week! TechnoBuffalo's Mike Perlman talks digital music with Jane's Addiction! T-Pain dumps Auto-Tune for "The T-Pain Effect." Logitech posts poor Q1 earnings, slashes price of Google TV Reveue box. AirBnB customer trashes rental apartment. Samsung sends out telescopes ahead of US smartphone launch!
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Home Movies 205 - Fenton's affair pt. 2
Home Movies clip from season 2, episode 5 - "The Party" see also:
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7:30 AM
Thursday, October 20, 2011
A Chacun Son Histoire... - Accro au jeu, accro au sexe : Jean-Luc et Chantal accro au jeu
Retrouvez toutes les vidéos du programme sur : Jean Luc et Chantal font le bilan de leur addiction au jeu
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Crematory -Greed- Greed song video, extract from the album "Revolution" released in 2004 Lyric greed for cash causes your blindness creates obsession for might and fame guide the flames for the endless time unleashes your desire greed - obsession - it burns in you desire - for more and more greed - obsession attracts a new desire - for more and more your inner addiction destroys your life not noticed your brain eaten back to life contaminates your thoughts destroys your life more and more desire makes you mindless it kills every emotion in your heart releases the pressure from your so Members Gerhard "Felix" Stass -Vocals- Matthias Hechler -Guitar, vocals- Katrin Goger -Keyboards- Harald Heine -Bass- Markus Jüllich -Drums-
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11:30 AM
Monday, October 10, 2011
Jonas & the Massive Attraction - Addiction
great rocker from Canadian band Jonas and the Massive Attraction.
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9:30 AM
Labels: Addiction, Attraction, Massive
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Cant Wait To Meet Ya - Travis Garland
with lyrics.. awww this song is cuteeee :] [verse one] If I was a flight you would be my destination I'm coming to you I don't need an invitation If you were a doctor then I would be your patient teach me how to love I need a cardio operation I would be your get away If you would be the driver I'll get in the car and commit the perfect crime I could steal your heart you could still mine and If we get caught then baby I'll do all the time [chorus] but I don't even know your name I've never even seen your face girl I can't wait to meet ya girl I can't wait to meet ya I can't wait to meet ya, someday [verse two] If I was a mirror baby you'd be the reflection watch you all the time you're the vision of perfection I would be the answer you would be the question show you how It's done cause baby I don't need directions never get enough I'll develop a condition I can't leave your side girl you know you're my addiction so If there Is a cure baby I don't won't to find it and I won't go to rehab you got me In whining but I don't even know, your name I've never even seen, your face girl I can't wait to meet ya girl I can't wait to meet ya I can't wait to meet ya, someday but I don't even know your name Ive never even seen your face girl I can't wait to meet ya girl I can't wait to meet ya I can't wait to meet ya someday but I don't even know your name Ive never even seen your face girl I can't wait to meet ya girl I can't wait to meet ya I can't wait to meet ya, someday girl when ...
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12:30 AM
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Ben: Diary Of A Heroin Addict
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4:30 AM
Sunday, October 2, 2011
National Geographic Russias Toughest Prisons Part 1-3
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6:30 AM
Labels: Geographic, National, Prisons, Russias, Toughest
Friday, September 30, 2011
The Black Crowes - She Talks To Angels (original video)
Pedazo de banda muy buena
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
How to 360, 540 and 720 Frontside or Backside (goofy riders) from Snowboard Addiction. presents part 1 of the Advanced Spinning lesson. This vid is designed for you riders who want to learn 3's, 5's, 7's and beyond. It outlines the first 2 key aspects which relate to all spins 1) Creating a platform/edge to spin from and 2) The relevance of a setup point. This is the version for goofy footed riders. To view part 2 of this lesson visit Enjoy Nev and the Snowboard Addiction team.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Elder Scrolls Oblivion - Addiction (Shivering Isles)
Quest video guide to "Addiction", quest triggered after talking to lord sheogorath, and then speaking to Thaden in the house of mania music: Paolo Nutini - New Shoes
Friday, September 23, 2011
Jane's Addiction - Classic Girl (Video)
© 2005 WMG Classic Girl (Video)
Thursday, September 22, 2011
IAMX - Tear Garden Corridor Clip
Acoustic performance by Chris Corner. The song is Tear Garden from his new IAMX album 'Kingdom Of Welcome Addiction' Filmed in the IAMX headquarters.
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12:30 PM
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
I am additionally absorbed to Brain Crack
What's your brain crack? I have many, many addictions. Let me know what yours is in the comment section to win that shirt I showed. Yeah. Come hang out! Talk to meh: SHIRTS Alex Day Tom the Dancing Wonder Music by heyhihello
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4:30 PM
Labels: absorbed, additionally
Sunday, September 11, 2011
My Caffeine Addiction
Gr8shotz asked me to post a video about my own caffeine addiction. This is my story.
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6:30 AM
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Rihanna - Who's that banty [LYRICS]
OMG OMGGG ! Over 1.000.000 views oO Thank you so f**king mucccchhhhhhhh !! [Verse 1] Feel the adrenaline moving under my skin It's an addiction such an eruption Sound is my remedy feeding me energy Music is all I need [Pre-Chorus] Baby, I just wanna daaaaaaance I don't really caaaaaaare I just wanna daaaaaaance I don't really care care care (feel it in the air yeah) [Chorus] She's been a crazy dita disco diva and you wonder Who's that chick? Who's that chick? Too cold for you to keep her Too hot for you to leave her Who's that chick? Who's that chick? Who's that chick? Who's that chick? Who's that chick? Who's that chick? [Verse 2] Back on the dancefloor better not to take me home Bass kicking so hot blazing through my beating heart French kissin on the floor, heart is beating hardcore Everybody is getting a little sexy on the crazy juice This will end up on the news [Pre-Chorus] Baby, I just wanna daaaaaaance I don't really caaaaaaare I just wanna daaaaaaance I don't really care care care (feel it in the air yeah) [Chorus] She's been a crazy dita disco diva and you wonder Who's that chick? Who's that chick? Too cold for you to keep her Too hot for you to leave her Who's that chick? Who's that chick? [Bridge] I'll try to sex you up the night has got me love sprung I won't stop until the sun is up oh yeah My heart is a dancer beating like a disco drum Oh, oh oh, oohh wohh, oh oh I'll try to sex you up the night has got me love sprung I won't stop until the sun is up oh ...
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9:30 PM
Monday, September 5, 2011
Juli - Süchtig - Super Qualität - Official Original Video - High Quality
Fernsehaufnahme der Telekom Street Gigs; Official Original Video from the Telekom Street Gigs in High Quality; Super Qualität:Habe dieses Lied für alle "Süchtig"-Fans hochgeladen, da es kein offizielles Video gibt. Ich habe das Video jedem gewidmet, dem das Lied gefällt. Bedanke mich bei allen für die netten Kommentare:-)). Wer nichts Positives zu schreiben hat, sondern Lied, Sängerin und Fans beschimpft, wird auf Dauer gelöscht, geblockt und als Spam markiert. Einfach,weil das hier nicht hin gehört! Schreibt einen eigenen Blog!!! Konstruktive, objektive Kritik zu Musikrichtung, Gesangsstil, usw.-immer gern!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Shaun Baker accomplishment Discomakers & Jessica Jean - Addiction (Michael Burek Edit)
Find me on Facebook : Download this song here :
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3:30 PM
Labels: accomplishment, Addiction, Discomakers, Jessica, Michael
Sunday, August 28, 2011
ProductiveMuslim Animation Series 3 - Clean the lint and productivity
Funded by Purify your views
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8:30 PM
Labels: Animation, ProductiveMuslim, productivity, Series
Thursday, August 25, 2011
ICTON Minecraft Adventures - Rapture 0.1 (Minecraft Machinima) Click here to watch ICTON Adventures in Minecraft - New Ictonington Part 1 (Minecraft Machinima) ICTON Adventures in Minecraft - Rapture 0.1 (Minecraft Machinima) Made by Djy1991 and the ICTON Crew Off the shore of the Seaside Village is a long lighthouse, home to a ravenous weeaboo. Beneath the lighthouse lies Rapture 0.1, a fully unrealized replica of Bioshock's Rapture. Marvel at the blockiness! Gaze in awe upon this thoroughly unimpressive recreation! Cower in fear at Rex's Japan addiction! Want to help us out? Email and show us how good you are at building! or you can check out or Livestream here: We usually open the server up to the public for tours and we also build together! Get some ICTON Shirts! Directors Channel: Become a fan on Facebook: or install the App: Follow me on - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Follow Machinima on Twitter! Inside Gaming Machinima Machinima Machinima Respawn Entertainment, Technology, Culture machinima more, visit: for more games, go to: FOR MORE SPORTS game, visit: FOR MORE TRAILERS, visit: FOR MORE MMO and RPG, visit: Tags: "My job", "Adventures ICTON in Minecraft - New Ictonington "People Minecraft...
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6:30 PM
Labels: Adventures, Machinima, Minecraft, Rapture
Friday, August 19, 2011
Russell organic label point for drug addicts
Russell Brand hilarious scene "program to make the life of Russell Brand" Live
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4:30 PM
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Sex addiction
Taboo: Addiction: Mon 9 can 10p ET / PT Janice meeting - a former sex addict who now work hard to beat obsessed with its past.
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9:30 AM
Labels: Addiction
Sunday, August 14, 2011
At The Gates - Suicide Nation
From the "Slaughter of the Soul" album (1995). Texts Utopia - lost in the chaos of the sky is the legacy of suicide black no turning back ... no return [Chorus:] answers that moves cold deep festering Bestial retaliatory killing spidemic horrible, repulsive need Control, a nation under the control of suicide in the call for mass death, dependency, but dreams of the brain washing phobia Dead thin control Suicide - jaws locked to the spine ... closed around the spine [Chorus:]Command control Suicide - jaws locked around your spine
Posted by
11:30 AM
Friday, August 12, 2011
Devin Townsend - Addicted (high qaulity)
The first song of the new album is Devin, "Addicted," is November 17!
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10:30 PM
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Kanye West - Addiction
Album: Late Registration
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9:30 PM
Labels: Addiction
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
The alternative - Addiction
Introduction - Vox pop-case studies. Dr Lefever, director of recovery and a drug addict Promise exploited the myth that all addicts are losers and instead describes addiction as a widespread problem "in the recognized and reported." He goes on to describe what addiction is and how you feel and 'the voice of authority throughout the program for any treatment-related Case Study 1 -.. We heard Katie, who has developed a cannabis dependencea number of years. Case Study 2 - Tatiana Wilson has discovered that wheat has an addiction when he visited Dr. Andrew Strigno. Case Study 3 - The final case study of this program is George Lang
Posted by
7:30 AM
Labels: Addiction, alternative
Monday, August 8, 2011
Living Legends - Rabbit Hole (+ Lyrics)
Album: Almost Famous (2000) [PSC] Now if it's cold in moderation, they need so that the pace seems more acceptable my life and what is sometimes an abrasive mixture to cut the discoloration my normal life, and now it seems locked even when I'm not blue I'm focused and I thank you for opening this part of my brain could not break, even if illegal and dangerous activities that I had, I'm late for my future life in heavenI think I see a good heart, I say I started late people in my family have fallen into addiction is a mission uncontrollable you can not take the friction [Elig] It fits like bricks stacked in an orderly When I build my confidence in my controlled habitat in two parts, the rabbits the lie that is the key to my survival fate-free survival of the fittest is the medicine The key to the complicated stuff in my subconscious character freeSince the birth of a sorcerer came running under the symbol of the fish of alcohol that flows like rivers of gold the breath of enthusiasm for the fish, early death does not Bronson but it haunts my conscience on the constant soaking my compliments a wonderful world hand in hand with an underwater smuggling rabbit hunting destination with one hand on the tube, a great medicine for a hand leads to the cylinder to get a hand on the glassa ...
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Powder - Episode 9
everyone has a story / her, revealing the Maha Kumba ganja. But politics is central to everything that is illegal. Tune in and see what the world (read: the modus operandi) of marijuana. The power of terrorism and the power of hell will not mean more shots and deception. Dust is the story of the new scene of drug use - a generation of drugs as part of their lives and men who know how to inject this constant habit, making his fortune. DustUnderstanding the drug lord, ships Ansari, honest and narcotics, led by Malik USMA, who plans to catch Ansari, before it can allow the system to trick safely. The network of supply, dependence, money, values, corruption, justice and fraud, which are in powder form will take you through your journey.
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4:30 AM
Monday, July 25, 2011
Medina - Addiction (Official Video) HD / medinamusic "Absolutely no copyright infringement is intended. All images, audio and video clips are the sole property of their respective owners. This is just cut out for entertainment." Copyright Disclaimer Under § 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, the compensation for the "fair use" for purposes of criticism, comment, information, education, science and research. Fair use is a use of intellectual property law allows otherwise violate.Tips for using non-profit, personal or educational purposes, the balance in favor of fair use.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
/ / / Addict / / / - Acro Paragliding training film and HD
Freestyle Ski Team at its best, made in Germany, Austria, Bischling - Werfenweng this winter. They are truly unique educational and fly-sync, the team created a league of its own. Team drivers Tom Bernard and Paul. mu sic: Quantic - Time is the enemy For more information on your insurance for more vids _______________________________, sign the chain of adrenaline Addicted
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6:30 PM
Labels: Addict, Paragliding, training
Monday, July 18, 2011
Mix fun 4chan GIF (depending vol. 2)
collection of funny, happy Check out my other videos!
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5:30 AM
Labels: depending
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Eminem Interview on radio station 92.3 NOW (Explain Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus and Ja Rule)
Eminem talks about New York radio station 92.3 NOW thick and discusses the collaboration of Justin Bieber and Ja Rule. Said Miley Cyrus, Jay Z and shows with him. It also addresses the addiction recovery and how they are made .. their free time and nothing else! You can say you like and have fun at the end of the interview with the interviewee. Road to Recovery Shade45 Interview Part 1: Part Part 3:
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Gif addiction vol. 5
gif funny collection. Check out my other videos!
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5:30 AM
Labels: Addiction
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Otep - Medusa
Otep - head of Medusa, the final appearance of the wolf does not spare the deer? You stole my charm is drowned my addiction and now they are holy dip in the fat white grubs and sad haiku I woke up and had the world on fire I woke up and the swine flu had conspired to erase all the faith I woke up in the human race and the world on fire in your head in your head I said, I must run away, are the shepherds, sheep, right? About UsWe're the butcher or meat? In this nest of life is under siege, we sink in the stench and the need for my disease is in your head, I was told that the monarchy, without a common purpose in the exercise of my secrets are toxic in the catacombs of shadow and humidity, I found a secret sky softened by the rescuers, the eyes of a painted woman, he sang for me, I did my illusion, your life is a lie, I was awakened and the world on fire I woke up and the ' swine flu had conspired to eliminate allI think the human race and the world woke up in flames all in your head in your head I told him to flee, the shepherds, sheep, right? We do or we butcher the meat? In this nest of life is under siege, we sink in the stench and the need for my disease is in your head, they said they never miss to end the monarchy of the world, whether it will be eaten alive, such as language, teaching of young doctorsMutiny ...
Posted by
4:30 PM
Labels: Medusa
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Eric Prydz: Pjanoo
Eric Prydz "Pjanoo" - Tips for a great ringtone, simply text Pjanoo 80 988 TONE - Terms of Control below! As one of the most famous dance artists of the decade Eric Prydz has made enormous critical acclaim and audience. A household name with No 1 and 2 singles in the UK under his belt, Prydz while representing the cutting edge house and techno for dancefloors the world's most respected. Each version is an event, "Pjanoo" is his next single, and you should hearToday ... As with any record of your name, 'Pjanoo', and its beautiful piano-Ours - led hook, first spread through the clubs and blogs like a virus, was on Radio 1, Kiss, Galaxy and more than Capital two months before. the publication of the game in the list, and is currently one of the hottest date of approval of individual pre-2008 releases. Pete Tong Essential New Tune, Zane Lowe's single of the week, a record week for Jo Whiley, and many others after His unique data. the ubiquitous "rightEducation, with the official blessing of Pink Floyd, which was the soundtrack to a million dancefloors and took up residence on the radio during the national day, while the video message from the environment, and engaged in securities and similar points, the video in the early evening. Greenpeace has also used as part of its global campaign last year. "Continue Pjanoo 'now seems to provide a unique set of records from the dance were the signal. Despite being one of the world's top DJs / producers, Brixton...
Posted by
11:30 PM
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
David Guetta feat. Rihanna Who is the girl (night version) [Official Video]
The new song Rihanna feat David Guetta - who is that chick (Official Video) Enjoy!
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Type O Negative - Wolf Moon Live
Wolf Moon live in 97
Posted by
3:30 PM
Labels: Negative
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Dubstep Sale April 2011
★ Download: ★ quantum effects are: ★ Tracklist: Hostage - Mochachos (Calvertron Remix) Feat Wretch 32. Example - Unorthodox (Bar 9 Remix) Torqux & Twist - G7 Trolley Snatcha - Pass Me By J. Rabbit and Tremourz - Sexy Party
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3:30 AM
Labels: Dubstep
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Wow all flattery accessible texts
PLS comment and if you subscribe to the text as YYYY TNX PLS R Whoa oh oh oh oh I did not feel in any way .. as-as-I do not want to do .... I think, my dear, and you deny me, but I feel like now unreliable give everything I have to make your stay or are just an obstacle? Because you're a small tower on Sunset Boulevard, a bit 'oh, you're a shooting star, I could drive you crazy if those lipsspeakin my name because I have a little 'intuition, or perhaps superstitious, but I think you're a sugar pill to swallow this addiction that I was on a mission Tell me, dear Count, I have a break in some way? I could say no? Chorus has a love like the pain (whoa oh oh oh) girl has a love of pain (whoa oh oh oh) But I feel that it is useless, because it is bringing me and now I throw back I loved so much but now I'm hooked changedexciting, because I carry inside me And then you're throwing out is like a hurricane, high-speed train is a car that gets caught in the fast lane, oh I know, I, I can keep up their street? Kick when I'm in front, you can take my time, because you're the only one storm cloud And the sun break I do not see the rain on my lips, I can say my name? Because I have a little 'of insight, or maybe I'm superstitious, but I think you're avery ...
Posted by
4:30 PM
Labels: accessible, flattery
Friday, June 24, 2011
Health at the center of the city - Dr Lowenstein - Addiction
ADDICTIONS: U.S. - Abuse - Addictions
Posted by
11:30 AM
Labels: Addiction, center, Health, Lowenstein
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Esham - the sale of medicines Stop Me (Death by acting on order)
Enjoy your media experience by Esham Aknu "stop me selling drugs." For the next project "Suspended Animation". Digital Download now available on iTunes: saying stop selling drugs Lyrics Chorus tell the government to stop selling drugs TELL ME THE GOVERNMENT to stop the killing Please tell the government to stop the thugs by government to stop slugs bustin FUCKIN WITH U.S. government say Please tell me to stop selling drugsGOVERNMENT stop the massacre of thugs tell the government to stop saying that the worm Bustin GOVERNMENT, PLEASE STOP fuckin with U.S. Verse 1 said that the government PLEASE stop selling drugs when I was 10 years I have learned that a crime Rappin AS Rakim My Melody FU, CUZ word of mouth, paid in full, and I have been a success off took me a second to SUICIDALIST BUZZ, ILLUMINATI CONNECTION FUZZ'm not unmixed with a buried BENZ BOX IFMaserati, but it is not relevant, Esham murder without proof I was the first black president, has given me gray hair, the image of the rap star has, by far, life is a nightmare in a rap group, the his companions in the face of methamphetamine, watching his own death, but havin Cashin verify that look in the mirror in which you are laughing to the bank, while all the time to do another REVERSE million Comerica Armageddon listen and prepare dopest NIGGA FEARIN ...
Friday, June 17, 2011
SELLER CHAPTER dream: Joe Frantz a fallen skater
Documentaries seller Chapter dream: a documentary on the birth of the skater Brandon Novak dropped a significant decrease in skating through the perils of heroin addiction. With Bam Margera, Tony Hawk, Bucky Lasek, Mike Vallely. Directed / Produced by Joe Frantz
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Glenn Hughes - Soul Mover
title song "Soul Mover" album was released in 2005. Also offered Chad Smith (Red Hot Chili Peppers) and Dave Navarro (Jane's Addiction).
Posted by
1:30 AM
Labels: Hughes
Monday, June 6, 2011
Dirty Dubstep April 2011
★ Free Download: [014 GQ] ★ Go quantum episodes YT:: FB: TW SC: USA: ★ Track List: Hostages - boy ( Calvertron Remix) Feat Wretch 32 Example - unorthodox (Bar 9 Remix) Torqux Twist - G7 Snatcha Trolley - Pass Me By J. Rabbit and Tremourz - Sexy Party
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3:30 PM
Labels: Dubstep
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Nil Lara - Fighting for my love
Nil Lara - Fighting for my words: I was taught when I was young, around me my love is shared by all smile Oh, the sun, I am with you, I think I've changed my position Foot says that I can show media, you have to fight for my love for my love, yes, he's fighting for my love for my love, yes, he's fighting for my love Many times I tried to talk, you know that one day " is a day in my addiction, my love, I swear I can let you knowtry to go one day to make me fight all the time Yes, we fight for my love for my love, yes, we must fight for my love for my love, yes, for my love I know how to fight it "feeling never burn scars on my lips as I touch when I love when you kiss when you kiss me again, I wonder now that I've found I'm missing to be found oh oh J 'I asked looked about seems to have found a better fish I must confess, there was a desire for loveBut the fight along're for my fight against my love for my love for my love, yes, he's fighting for my love for my love, yes, he's fighting for my love Fight me Oh yes yes yes you are my love you know how the absence of missing my love Oh, yeah yeah yeah you need my love does not know how to fight against my love is
Posted by
2:30 AM
Labels: Fighting
Monday, May 30, 2011
Damn YouTube: Uncle Phil Dangerous Drugs Addiction
This film deserves every award on YouTube.
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9:30 AM
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Reborn! Concert in Japan Part 3 Rokudo Mukuro and Hibari Kyoya
Kyoya Hibari and Mukuro Sakura addiction to sing Rokudo
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Raw For Life blow with Morgan Spurlock and Woody Harrelson
Woody Harrelson and Morgan Spurlock "Supersize Me" are interviewed in RAW FOR LIFE, which is an A-to-Z encyclopedia of Raw Food, perfect for beginners and Raw Food enthusiasts. This two-disc DVD inspires people with the Raw Food philosophy, the wisdom of eating a raw food diet, important medical facts and nutritional information. We have combined the expertise of Doctors and Nutritionists with testimonials from celebrities, athletes, and chefs who live the Raw Food Lifestyle. Our goal was to create a product that would empower people to take control of their health and happiness. In RAW FOR LIFE, you will find everything you need to transition to a healthier state of being. This DVD is perfect for Vegetarians, Vegans, and Raw Food Vegans looking for new recipes and resources; someone coping with diabetes, heart disease, or excess weight, those seeking to reverse their aging process; athletes looking to improve their performance; actors, dancers, and other performers looking for a healthy way to maintain their weight and image; anyone looking to live longer, be stronger, perform at their best, and get their nutrition on the right track! The DVD is available for purchase at:
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10:30 AM
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Scottish women - Scotland, Series 07 - Episode 04
"I'm an alcoholic," more women are in Scotland for their alcohol dependence. Why so many women, alcohol as a method of trading of new and why we need the destruction of their lives to change things? Kaye Adams speaks to women who have or are alcoholics, was to understand this modern, growing dependence. women in Scotland has been a popular debate show hosted by Kaye Adams, where they discussed the issues in dispute with the public, the study of Scottish women.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Bodybuilding Motivation - Performance of analgesics
Become a Fan new reasons to freeze in the veins THEGODOROIDZ BODYBUILDING! Another band motivaton bodybuilding embrace new vid for more stuff! SONG 2: 1 piece Teddy Bear Music - Dark Mix Grounds resolution bodybuilder Kai Greene zhasni dependence bigorexia Markus Rühl DVD Dexter Jackson Ronnie Coleman 2010 Olympic time Mr. Olympia Jay Cutler Dorian Yates Bodybuilding Winner mr zhansi Shanz sport motivationsteroids ibbf fitness fight dungion Lorenzo Pro Training Hardcore Freak Becker
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1:30 AM
Labels: analgesics, Bodybuilding, Motivation, Performance
Friday, May 6, 2011
Youtube Crap: Billy Mays promotes addiction hardcore
so this is what I do with my degree in Digital Animation
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Lock Down the refusal cute is our goal + Lyrics
Follow me: Texts: slightly injured and some who never thought it would be so much fun brothers broke ties with the bailiff for the first time in prison is revealed, I pay my dues Now I know that if never will be rejected if I, if I die for the dignity of each person? (No, God help me) If I, if, if I die for the dignity of every person? (N) I lived a lie (somebody will) change in the sight of you will not sleep tonight, this is not a means for a man who lives his life Paranoidserved as headquarters to land in jail for the first time, if I have time for my addiction to pay the price for my affliction A judge took my life with his conviction for the last time lighting, blocking, not sound light, blocking If I, if I did someone die with dignity to notice? (Anyone Notice?) If I, if I refuse, if I do, that the crime he had, I would like to serve both? I live a lie. Someone speak, I am a drummer in my head a little 'washing, different sounds and I Beat The Walking Deadsomeone knocked on the repetition of the battery in my head in my butt, if I, if I, if I die, if I, if I, if I die for the dignity of each person? (I noticed no one?) Yeah, yeah, if I deny that the crime would be me, I will answer at once? I live a lie. *** (No violation of copyright intended .)***
Posted by
4:30 AM
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Alcohol detoxification and rehabilitation center - Montreal, Canada Montreal, Canada, Rehabilitation Centre:: Chatsworth Hall 22 days of drugs and alcohol at a reasonable price, the uniqueness of our dependence on closed cohabitation rehabilitation and recovery is what we have not only the quality and 'efficiency, can be copied to offer in a traditional setting for regular admission to the revolving door. Chatsworth is the center of a program of regular therapy with standard treatment, but we are aRehabilitation center is committed to a recovery program truly superior. 1-866-866-5021
Posted by
12:30 AM
Labels: Alcohol, Canada, center, detoxification, Montreal, rehabilitation
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
A conversation about food and my past. Cabins protein in fat for more information, read the incredible book calorie calories good and bad of incredible Schwarzbein Principle. Did you know that it is not saturated fatty acids of the biggest killers of people think it is. The number one reason for heart disease (I think) is the massive increase in massive amounts of sugar. Sugar and processed foods is the biggest change in our diet over the past million years. Its huge. Eat real food. This could be milked to collect, or culture. ATalking about nutrition and my past. Cabins protein in fat for more information, read the incredible book calorie calories good and bad of incredible Schwarzbein Principle. Did you know that it is not saturated fatty acids of the biggest killers of people think it is. The number one reason for heart disease (I think) is the massive increase in massive amounts of sugar. Sugar and processed foods is the biggest change in our diet over the past million years. Its huge. Eat real food. This could be milked to collect, or culture. EntertainmentDay (for me). B - yogurt (live) half a cup with half a banana, blueberries and raspberries. 1 / 2 board. 1 tablespoon walnut scratch. 1 tablespoon walnut oil, coconut oil of choice 1 teaspoon tablespoons of Udo. Mixed up. Carbohydrates - 55 Lunch - Salad (big salad), green peppers, etc. .. Chicken breast (cooked the day before) with salad dressing (not low fat) Carbohydrates - 5 snack - cottage cheese with pineapple carbohydrates - 20 dishes - vegetables with butter, lamb chops with mint sauce. Carbohydrates - 5...
Posted by
9:30 PM
Labels: Nutrition
Monday, April 25, 2011
Bobby Lee's Addiction
MADtv skit with Bobby Lee. And 'their dependence on public nudity.
Posted by
10:30 AM
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Script Breakeven --- with lyrics
This is an incredibly surprising for a group here! ! ** D ** I think I have time, little by little the song can be here, so you can also.This with the song is another song from the first album that I like the script is not the copyright violation is all the music The Script and the credit here ---- I'm still alive, but I'm barely breathing easy in a prayer that I do not believe in you, because I have time, because he issued when a heart breaks nobreak his best days are among the worst of my finally found a man who goes to her first when I woke up not cause sleep problems, when the heart, no, do not break what I do is probably cut off as the party better than me has always been to say that if everyone, and then strangled her and I'm falling to pieces They say bad things share for a reason, but the words do not know what will fall on Bleeding happen'm What watch is that even if it hurts because the move is completed whenno one breaks my heart not break even What should I do when the best part of me has always been what I say when I'm going right I'm drowning and I fall apart fall apart (We're still in love, while others go ' Because when a heart breaks, no, no break) You have my heart and my heart, and none of the sentence that has taken her bag, took the blame. Now I try to make sense of much of what remains, why did you leave me no love, no love for my name. I...
Posted by
2:30 PM
Friday, April 15, 2011
MTV Mario and his mother
Kevin Dixon assist interventionists celebrated R & B singer Mario and his mother, who had a drug problem. The story of Mario and his mother, "I love you to death.
Posted by
10:30 PM
Labels: mother
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
World Warcrack short
Short film I made in film school class at the University of Texas. The ending theme of my group, formerly known as "bow". We changed the name of "gods are ghosts," and you can download our first EP for free here:
Posted by
7:30 AM
Labels: Warcrack
Sunday, April 10, 2011
associative memories and shooting of Drugs
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8:30 AM
Labels: associative, memories, shooting
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Seal - Kiss From A Rose
I am not the owner of this Article. Lyrics: There was a tower of aging alone on the sea was clear on the dark side of me. Love is a drug high and the pill. But did you know that when it snows, My eyes are large and the light that you see shine. Baby, I see a rose in a kiss on the gray. Ooh, I'm older than you, it feels foreign, yes. And now that your rose is in bloom. A light hits the gloom on the field. There is so much a human beingThey do a lot to say. However, my strength, my joy, my pain, baby To me you're like a growing addiction that I can not deny. Do not tell me is that healthy, baby? But did you know that when it snows, My eyes are large and the light that you see shine. Baby, I see a rose in a kiss on the gray. Ooh, the more I get of you The stranger it feels, yeah Now that your rose is in bloom. A light hits the gloom on the field, I've been kissed by a rose on the field, Iwas kissed by a rose I've been kissed by a rose on the gray ... And if I fall, I must be in the form of a rose ... been kissed by a rose kissed her on the gray. There is so much you can say what I say. You are my strength, my joy, my pain. To me you're like a growing addiction that I can not deny, if you can not tell me is that healthy, baby. But did you know that when it snows, My eyes are large and the light that you see shine. Baby, compares it with a kiss...
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2:30 PM
Thursday, March 24, 2011
10 Minute Happy Hardcore Mix Redux
Update: MP3 whee Thanks for subscribing guys! 25000 subscribers! Yay!!!
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1:30 AM
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Metallica - Fuel (Studio Version)
Fuel is the first song on the thrash metal band Metallicas 7th studio album ReLoad. It stems from the thrill of fast driving and street racing. The song could also be applied to the fact that people like to drive their lives (like their cars) too fast. It seems to be one of James Hetfield's favourite songs as he later said before a concert played at an Oakland Raiders game, "We have to play Fuel...'cause it gets me pumped up." Another interpretation of this song, which reflects the external struggles of the band members themselves as well as the personal lyric style James Hetfield adopted beginning with The Black Album, suggests that the song is about addiction. Specifically the addiction may be Hetfield's alcoholism, but it could be a reference to any sort of addiction. It is a reference to whatever it may be that fuels a person. Further, it may reflect Hetfield's decision to substitute his love of cars and racing for his love of alcohol. This is evidenced throughout the entire song and survives interpretation; the song may get the band and the crowd "pumped up," but it is by no means as simple a song as it appears. The song was written by Hetfield, Lars Ulrich, and Kirk Hammett, and was the third single from the album. It is now a permanent fixture at their live shows, and was performed on their S&M album. Fuel was also covered by Avril Lavigne on their edition of the tribute show, MTV Icon, in 2003. Another group, Iron Horse, covered the song as well. Gimme fuel, gimme ...
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1:30 AM
Monday, March 14, 2011
OxyContin addiction treatment by Narconon Trois-Rivières
Centre for Addiction Helpline 1-877-782-7409 OxyContin. Oxycodone Oxycontin addiction and rehabilitation. Stories of OxyContin Narconon rehabilitation program - 100% natural addiction treatment center OxyContin abuse.
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10:30 PM
Labels: Addiction, Narconon, OxyContin, treatment, TroisRivires
Friday, March 4, 2011
People With Bizarre Eating Habits - Tyra (Part 3)
The Tyra Banks Show - ''People with bizarre eating habits'' (Recorded Jan 21, 2009, WWOR)
Monday, February 28, 2011
The Vice Guide To Travel - Liberia - Part 1
To see the rest of the series, go to: Welcome to The Vice Guide to Liberia. In this eight-part series, VBS travels to West Africa to rummage through the messy remains of a country ravaged by 14 years of civil war. Despite the United Nations eventual intervention, most of Liberias young people continue to live in abject poverty, surrounded by filth, drug addiction, and teenage prostitution. In Part 1, Vices own Shane Smith provides a brief history lesson and some essential context for understanding what caused Liberias civil war and how things got so bad.
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5:30 PM
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Pema Chodron - The Doorway to Freedom Working with the Different Levels of Shenpa (Getting Hooked). Talk 3 from the Doorway to Freedom, Berkeley, CA 2003. Item V100-3, from Pema Chodron's archivists, Great Path Tapes and Books. By giving your full attention to what it feels like to be hooked and to relax there -- with kindness and gentleness and wisdom -- you can train in interrupting the momentum of shenpa and the reactivity which follows. Video by Stu Sweetow,
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8:30 AM
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
Marijuana Study: Exit Drug, Not Gateway Drug
New TYT Facebook Page(!): Subscribe to the FREE Video Podcast on iTunes: Follow us on Twitter: DISCOUNTS: FREE Movies(!): Note: The above two links are for TYT sponsors. Read Ana's blog and subscribe at: TYT Network (new WTF?! channel): Check Out TYT Interviews
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8:30 PM
Saturday, February 12, 2011
I'll Be a Good Boy
One of the most heart-wrenching, emotional clips I've ever watched. In this scene from The Basketball Diaries, Jim Carrol (Leonardo DiCaprio) has a complete meltdown when he hits bottom in his heroin addiction. This was pre-Titanic DiCaprio, before he became a heart-throb, when he still had to do some actual acting. Please note: any mocking, trolling, or spam comments will be instantly deleted, so don't bother.
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5:30 AM
Monday, February 7, 2011
BLACK SWAN - Official HD trailer
A psychological thriller set in the world of New York City ballet, BLACK SWAN stars Natalie Portman as Nina, a featured dancer who finds herself locked in a web of competitive intrigue with a new rival at the company (Mila Kunis). A Fox Searchlight Pictures release by visionary director Darren Aronofsky (THE WRESTLER), BLACK SWAN takes a thrilling and at times terrifying journey through the psyche of a young ballerina whose starring role as the duplicitous swan queen turns out to be a part for which she becomes frighteningly perfect.
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3:30 PM
Sunday, February 6, 2011
'Beautiful Saviour' Planetshakers http 'Beautiful Saviour' from the Album & DVD 'Pick It Up'
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7:30 AM
Labels: Beautiful, Planetshakers, Saviour
Friday, January 28, 2011
bfmv airless beneath words of sorrow+lyrics
my fav song enjoyXD lyrics: The night is starting here we go I check out everything This is our time to lose control What do you want from me You line them up we'll put them down This is so frustrating To watch you sleezing all around Yet you keep on smiling What can I do to make you see? (Your guilty) What can I do to make you feel? (You're wanted) What can I do to make you see? (Your guilty) Im suffocating under our words of sorrow Her skin reflects behind the blur Im intoxicated Where am I from? Why am I here? (You're so predictable) Fingers running through my hair, (But its all just fiction) She steps out from her underwear, (So beautiful) What can I do to make you see? (Your guilty) What can I do to make you feel? (You're wanted) What can I do to make you see (Your guilty) Im suffocating under words of sorrow [guitar solo] Go! (there's bodies lying on the floor) But I keep on staring (my world is over, close the door) Her skin reflects behind the blur Im intoxicated Where am I from? Why am I here? (You're so predictable) Fingers running through my hair Im a new addiction She steps out from her underwear (So beautiful) What can I do to make you see? (Your guilty) What can I do to make you feel? (You're wanted) What can I do to make you see? (Your guilty) Im suffocating under words of sorrow (words of sorrow)
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10:30 AM
Labels: airless, beneath, sorrowlyrics
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
IWU Exercise Addiction
Is exercise an addiction? What does IWU Head's Basketball Coach have to say about it?
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10:30 AM