**** EDIT **** ddAAAAAnnnnnnGGGGG !!!!!!!!! zarstz Shizzle! alreaddy more than 60k? howw? It 's great! I love you guys! *** EDIT *** Holy fish !!!!!!!!!! Over 40,000 VIEWS STOWERZZ MIPP Stik ?!?!?!?!?!?!?! i. .... m. .. Woah Woah Woah ....* down to 3 hours * woah! point of view only Happ-40K! Oh, wait, that's so ... then ... awesome! I Luv U guys;), D ** EDIT ** SAINT sizzle drizzle over 20,000 VIEWS ?!?!?!?!?!? I think Im going to die ... I think that skirt - * dies * ................................. ......... OKIm Back ... I think ... yes ... oh my God, I can not believe that more than 20k! It 's great !!!!!! if you put more than 500,000 views Pshyco will ... jkjk go, but if you have 1 million visitors, especially for my birthday ... the ... for ... Take a sweater PARTY !!!!!! ! 1 is a great first ... Why? because these bands ismy favorite (duh, of course) and ... Well, I "to" make a new version of Just Cause, the lyrics are very dark, but these views are crazy! Yo! Yo! lol, I Luv U guys;), D * EDIT * May GAWSH !!!!!!!!! MI 1110 000 VISTA ?!?!?!?! Six EPIC MAN !!!!!!! I think Im going to die, I think I'm dying, I think .... Aahhhh YYAYYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY die !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OMFG my new favorite band THE WORLD! !!!!!! * Squee fangirl love !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH and this is my favorite song and I heard theres only .... Now what UU 2 is here:) song download: www.mediafire.com program used...
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Friday, December 31, 2010
The Ready Set - Love Like Weh - Lyrics + Download link (in the discount window!)
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
We came as Romans - a seed (Official Music Video) Plant
Everrrrr sick band! check them out at: www.myspace.com
Posted by
4:30 PM
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Dope- Addiction *NEW!*
New video from Dope, song names Addiction.
Posted by
12:30 PM
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Elton John account - allotment two - Parkinson - BBC
Bulemia, losing friends and writing love letters to drugs are all subjects up for discussion in the second part of Parkinson's interview with Elton John. Free video clip from the popular british talk show 'Parkinson'.
Posted by
11:30 PM
Thursday, December 16, 2010
1. Is Addiction Really a Disease?
Dr. Kevin McCauley explores the most important question about addiction ...
Posted by
1:30 PM
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Ryan Leslie makes "addiction"
Ryan Leslie makes "Addiction" Yes, we were in the studio to do in 08 hours. Everyone was sleeping and the sun has been done since I do. It is not a game - these things music. I will not stop. Listen to the song at: www.myspace.com
Posted by
12:30 PM
Labels: Leslie
Friday, December 10, 2010
Topless Beach Girls
Subscribe to more vlogs:) www.youtube.com contact Joe Nation Twitter www.twitter.com SHIRTS FACEBOOK www.facebook.com http www.olgakaydesigner.spreadshirt.com my main channel next time Moosh Moosh
Posted by
12:30 AM
Labels: Topless
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Süchtig - Protokoll einer Hilflosigkeit (4/10)
ARD-Dokumentation (1990-2003) über die drogenabhängige Tanja Hülsen aus Hamburg von Sabine Braun und Jens Hamann.
Posted by
4:30 PM
Labels: 410, Hilflosigkeit, Protokoll, Schtig
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Mini movie of my weight loss a day
So far I've lost about 75kg/160ishlb in about 18 months. Ive not used any weird diets or deny me or cupcakes. Its research base in all the energy and the energy. If you have more control over my weight loss.co.nz site
Posted by
10:30 PM
Labels: Weight
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Asia Whitney Houston - I always flattering you.mp4
Someone get this type of crack addiction and an abusive husband
Posted by
11:30 AM
Labels: always, flattering, HOUSTON, WHITNEY, yoump4
Monday, November 22, 2010
JONAS [HD] - S01EP18 - Double Date (3:02)
PROPERTY Disney Channel. I'm in this video if Disney and / or demand YouTube. JONAS Episode 18 - Double Date for Joe is jealous when Van Dyke asked Stella. Kevin has a dependency on cookies to Nick. To download the entire episode? Buy it on iTunes! Itunes.apple.com thanks for watching! Comment, rate and / or subscribe for more high-definition video JONAS:)
Posted by
12:30 AM
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Pema Chodron - The port of Liberty
www.pemachodrontapes.com. Working with different levels of Shenpi (being the victim). Talk-3 from the door to freedom, Berkeley, CA Subject 2003rd V100-3, archivists Pema Chodron, cassettes and books of Gran Vía. gptapes@aol.com. Like any attention to what it means to be addicted to relax and feel - with kindness and gentleness and wisdom - can be formed in a disturbance of the dynamics and responsiveness Shenpi below.
Posted by
8:30 AM
Monday, November 8, 2010
Lethal challenge Maestro Velvet
Follow the main offerings for drugs when he and forms, Velvet Assassin.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
[Blink-182] The Best Years of Our Lives
February and Tuesday was heartbreaking 22nd/2005 new Blink-182, a group that has endured for more than 10 years had been, but a meeting with Tom DeLonge, Mark Hoppus and Travis Barker behind. It 'been a very difficult reality for millions of fans of Blink-182 in the world and in front of a shot even more difficult for the group. The split of Blink-182 left angry and Mark Travis, and Tom was his, as they struggle to keep their heads just abovewaterline of depression and addiction. "The Best Years of Our Lives" is a final confirmation of the empty shell of the punk band in the world and most popular Goodbye, Blink-182 Music: ... "The Best Years of Our Lives" Evan Taubenfeld © Personally I do not own or have the right to use all means short. © Ayvayshun [Avatar] 2008.
Posted by
2:30 AM
Labels: Blink182
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Star Blazers - 01 Research Iscandar (03.01)
Part 1 of the first season of Star Blazers Ep.01
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
The face of homelessness: addiction
Since the project faces eCourse Homelessness, was an initiative of the National Coalition for the Homeless, with the support of the southernmost of the Company to support homeless Florida Keys, and AmeriCorps * VISTA volunteers.
Posted by
7:30 AM
Labels: Addiction, homelessness
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
British Drinky
The article on the British government crackdown on drink: tinyurl.com Thanks for the tip: youtube.com, continuing the party at my house, friends and strangers. DJ STV SLV is awesome mash-up blog, Internet thehoodinternet.com Hood celebration in music of a song called skeletons in an album titled anger in my band called Driftless Pony Club: www.driftlessponyclub.com
Posted by
1:30 PM
Monday, October 25, 2010
HOUSTON WHITNEY - Visitors to you (live in Adelaide, Australia), March 4, 2010
Whitney Houston concert in Adelaide was not as bad as they say in the press. He has a great heart and soul into his music and most people seemed to appreciate his performance. The video was recorded on my phone and we were almost directly above the sand so that the quality is not good, but the voice! oh my! try to listen and you know that Whitney is not an actor cursed! People need to understand what has happened in his life, perhaps because of his addiction, his vocal chordsdamaged and has been in the spotlight and concerts for 11 years of his time with his only daughter, Cristina, who was also there, the concert, where Whitney is a tribute to his 17th birthday, which was dedicated to today (March 4, 2010). This shows how much love she has for her daughter and one of the reasons why they decided to keep their employees and new, to terminate your life! Whitney us for his bravery in bad publicity to their concerts in the coup against Australia, butThere will always be the Queen of Soul and one of the best singers of all time .... See! It will soon be back to his best! All I can say is that Whitney received a standing ovation at the end of their last song! What a night! Whitney ...... thanks for sharing yourself and do the best for us in Adelaide! Remember that not all the time. Yes, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, NO PROBLEM HOUSTON !!!!!!!
Friday, October 22, 2010
The Real Me by Natalie Grant
Salvage song songwriter Natalie Grant, because of his struggle and recovery from bulimia writing
Posted by
1:30 AM
Labels: Natalie
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
As at 360, 540 and 720 front or rear (driver ridiculous) the dependence of snowboarding.
www.SnowboardAddiction.com SnowboardAddiction.com presents some advances in Spinning class. This video is for you, drivers who want to learn 3, paragraph 5, 7 and beyond. The first two issues of concern to all the spin 1) creation of a platform / output loop and 2) describes the importance of the review. It's ridiculous to walk. There are regular visits to show you Part 2 of this lesson www.SnowboardAddiction.com Nevada Drug Benefit and Snowboard Team.
Posted by
11:30 AM
Labels: dependence, driver, ridiculous, snowboarding
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Weight Loss Seminar - listen and learn
Weight loss seminar BodyPerformanceTV.com Steve Turano
Posted by
3:30 AM
Friday, October 8, 2010
Two women and a lover A, Part 4 of 5
sex addiction UN man takes him beyond anything comet adultery, polygamy III. Watch more videos www.youtube.com That's Life For more videos at www.youtube.com ASI ES LA VIDA
Posted by
8:30 PM
Thursday, October 7, 2010
TWITTER therapy!
Lavondia, Dwayne, Dave & Akhjahad have another therapy session .. this time is to fight against his addiction to Twitter! Click on the "thumbs up" if you like and do not forget to leave a comment and subsctibe: D Speaking of Twitter, follow me: twitter.com / outdoor MawaanIV Tags: Lesson Plan Outline malum Episode 3 Dawson Creek malumtv farts my nose! farts my nose! farts my nose! farts my nose! ShaneDawsonTV2 farts shane shanedawsontv iphone funny videoiphone shanedawsontv Shane ShaneDawsonTV2 shanedawsontv farts funny fart video funny video shanedawsontv ShaneDawsonTV2 Shane ShaneDawsonTV2 shanedawsontv iphone video funny video funny farts farts farts shanedawsontv ShaneDawsonTV2 ShaneDawsonTV2 Shane Shane shanedawsontv ShaneDawsonTV2 iphone funny video funny video funny fart video fart farts funny shanedawsontv ShaneDawsonTV2 iphone iPhone shanedawsontv ShaneDawsonTV2 shanedawsontv video shaneShane ShaneDawsonTV2 farts funny iPhone Video Honor
Posted by
6:30 PM
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Bayside - Boy
Bayside Shudder CD New 2008
Posted by
8:30 PM
Labels: Bayside
Friday, October 1, 2010
For the Love of Mrs Brown shows
Buy the DVD Live shop.mrsbrownsboys.com here with a phenomenal response to her for more than 2.5 million page views and a great demand for our fans tube - finally, for the first time, Mrs Brown's fourth game in trilogy! is at your own DVDs. The complete program of live stage two hours by car to your living room a small piece of quality of life of Agnes Brown and her dependence on Viagra grandfather, his son and his partner flamboyant hairdresser says, is suitable for his daughter's knife manBe careful not to mention the appearance of super-hero in your own home! - During all this time trying to find a date for Valentine's Day. This DVD is exclusive to our online store, and is now available! Toronto Canada Tourism 2010 www.mrsbrownsboys.com www.mirvish.com short piece of video game for the sake of the children www.mrsbrownsboys.com logo Mrs Brown Trisha Brown now a BBC television series at www. facebook.com popular in CanadaAustralia and New Zealand United Kingdom United States Dublin xxx
Posted by
12:30 PM
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Spooks - Things I've seen
The things I've seen the letters "[Chorus:] Do not believe what was beyond his wildest dreams into force of chaos and order that the beauty of the cosmos has was so calm and quiet, in turn, was seen seconds to violence and screams I've seen true genius, too often the sense of appreciation of this mediocre nation I've heard of his mind is the repetition of empty words without tradition Turned verbs share original presentation malignerance heard this dependency, but I thinkIt would be wrong if I said that the franc was like a tube baby is not gon 'be around half the night my warriors as high as a kite Lost and they lost everything possible to fight and I tasted the bitter tragedy of lives lost and men who have seen the dark inside, but never his face, and it is unfortunate that most of you are sheep following the densest Wallowin sleeping [Chorus:] Is Fallin things that I do not think beyond their wildest dreams that I saw the chaos and be seenTo govern the beauty of the universe was so quiet and peaceful at the same time in second for violence and screams I've seen and experienced things that the average and plunge to his death, I saw two guys pushing children multiplied by 20 -13 seein also unbalanced in each eye are now perhaps the proper functioning of the workers below to you or maybe I'm the one that plottin Rob has been the fear of the beating, the women in cash if the noise of silk...
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9:30 PM
Friday, September 24, 2010
Bela Lugosi Jr. talks about his father
The legendary horror master Bela Lugosi.
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12:30 AM
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Charlotte Sometimes "- AEIOU
"AEIOU by Charlotte Sometimes Album: Waves & both the U.S. Get it Now! Label: Geffen
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2:30 PM
Monday, September 20, 2010
Modern Warfare 2 addicts (all Machinima)
Click here to see www.youtube.com Modern Warfare 2: The Last King of bags Holiday Video On F1sTDaCuFFs (Gameplay Montage)! Modern Warfare 2 addicts (all of Machinima) Insert Clever Title Here Productions presents a Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Sketch Show for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy! DIRECTOR OF THE MOST 'www.youtube.com Canal machinima, go to: www.YouTube.com for more games, go to: www.YouTube.com key words: YT: call quality = 2 of Duty Modern Warfare PS3 MW2 UPC 47875333376047875837492 PC XBOX 360 XBOX360 X360 Activision 83 747 0047 875 333 376 MPN Duty Infinity Ward 6MW two skits funny machinima CWI Insert Clever Title Here Productions Productions
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Swansea love story - Part 2 of 6
More information about VBS www.vbs.tv befriends a gang of young drug users in south Wales has largely ignored the epidemic of heroin. Our intimate knowledge of his life shows how to create an economic depression, family breakdown and addictions unbreakable cycles for people between the claws. Broadcast Now www.vbs.tv
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4:30 AM
Labels: Swansea
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Sakura Addiction (Lyrics Translation)
Do not do anything himself. video made with Pinnacle tower Sung by: Kondou Takashi [Hibari Kyoya] and Iida Toshinobu [Rokudo Mukuro] maiochiru sakurasaku Sakura petals, floats nanimonai Boku no ue no you in my hand where there is nothing ephemeral hakanakute yasashikute mild fears me "It might break, Hana Kimi na kowaresou Mita flower, and when no ko wa Itsumo sou years kaisatsu surinuketeiku WO child to slip through the doors of shit usually Kagayaku WOMainichi Nanik tsukami Totti Ahold Yukun as something taken every day with bright eyes nanimonai Boku wa Mainichi kurikaeshite IEBA for me, I repeat every day Nothing Hiett kokoro Mottes Sagashite Hana Hiraku Shunkan WHERE tojiru conclude with a cold heart, my eyes search for the moment when the flowers bloom flowers Sakura sakurasaku maiochiru, stirring, nanimonai Boku no ue no you in my hand where there's nothing fleeting and gentle yasashikute hakanakute;I'm afraid it may break, kowaresou na hana Kimi Mita flower, as supaiku yogoreta nishimaikonda nara Kokoro no Oku peak color depth of my heart to iindayo sugiyuku Kore Haru no sagashiterun nigemichi DAROU you're looking for spring is one of the evacuation and said "do" is not it? Boru akirameta Nakushita Mitsuke Kuret wa Kimi no deshi fumbled and said it was you who found me Haru ga Kuru sakihokoru theSpring ...
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1:30 AM
Labels: Addiction, Lyrics, Sakura, Translation
Friday, September 10, 2010
Sprint Instinct HD (Samsung) - Videos and HD shows unboxing
Noah's practice with Sprint Samsung Instinct HD. It is a record of your phone, and may reflect the 720p HD video. Crazy, right? More Video: Win Free Cell www.phonedog.com: www.phonedog.com
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Maxwell's silver hammer
A child to kill him with a madman who walks with a dependency on shiny silver hammer. Not me!
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9:30 PM
Labels: hammer, Maxwell39s, silver
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
SMA Series Episode 22
READ before your comment? Here's a new episode for your enjoyment! As you can see, the series remains in ADM and will continue, no matter how many other projects that I plan to work. So yes, enjoy! Oh, and we do KaiserNeko thanks to this excellent introduction to our show! www.cafepress.com CAST www.sailormoonabridged.com Q: Megami33-Serena, Luna, Jesus and Mrs. Haruna KrisRix Molly, Queen Beryl, Zoic, Amy and Lita and Raye roll002 Melvin-Judgement915 - Priest and Bobo Maxskate2001 - DarienMixing and editing scripts Megami33 us all! Intro KaiserNeko created by music and sound effects are presented by iMovie! * By the way, is the song called on Jupiter: "The Church of Hot Addiction" by Cobra Starship * Please LittleKuriboh inspiration! No 87 - Most Discussed (Today) # 10 - Most Discussed (discussed today) - Comedians # 76 - Wish (This Week) - Comedy # 34 Most - Viewed (Today) - Comedy - Australia # 36 Most - Viewed (Today) - Comedy - Germany # 68 - Most Viewed (Today) - Comedy- United Kingdom # 98 - Most Viewed (Today) - Comedy - Germany # 47 - Most Viewed (Today) - Comedians # 98 - Top Favorites (Today) # 15 - Top Favorites (Today 'Today) - Comedians # 98 - Top Favorites (This Week) - Comedians # 71 - Top Rated (Today) # 12 - Top Rated (Today) - Comedians # 64 - Top Rated (This Week) - Comedy (based only FAN. I do not have eligible for this exhibition. The show is owned by Naoko Takeuchi!)
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8:30 AM
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Higher Ground Episode 18 (Part 3) high quality
Ep Name: "One of these days" Show Summary: "Higher Ground" tells the compelling story of a mountain emotional. Horizonte High School, a sanctuary for vulnerable youth. Nestled in the mountains of north-western United States, at Going strictly for outdoor sports - climbing, mountain biking, rafting, etc. - has given students the confidence to deal with their personal struggles through the face of dependency, abuse or interference. student issues such as drugs, sexual, verbal abuse, self-mutilation, eatingadolescent problems, gang violence, neglect and suicide attempts - but the series has never "Question of the Week-style pool sample. When navigating dangerous action sequences and romantic adventures, students (and some teachers) found Mt Horizonte world was much safer than his turbulent life at home. "Starring: Hayden Christensen, AJ Cook, Joe Lando, Kandyse McClure, Jewel Staite, Anne Marie DeLuise, Jorge Vargas, Meghan Ory, and Kyle Downes 2000
Monday, August 30, 2010
The debate on legalizing drugs at all - we lost the war against drugs
Read more www.theyoungturks.com
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11:30 PM
Labels: against, Debate, legalizing
Friday, August 27, 2010
Why not lose weight, eat healthy, Austin Wellness
MySpace - www.myspace.com Why not lose weight, why not health food, wellness Austin excerpt from a lecture by Dr. Bellonzi on weight loss, health, lifestyle, nutrition and food and nutrition and fasting. Dr.Vincent Bellonzi is a chiropractor and is certified in Clinical Nutrition. It has in practice for over 12 years. He received his Ph.D. from Los Angeles College of Chiropractic in 1991. Since 1998, Dr. Austin Bellonzi is practiced. He works with athletes at allIndicate their level of fitness and sports rehabilitation. Visit Dr. Belloni www.austinwellnessclinic.com www.myspace.com psychetruth.blogspot.com truth in this video www.youtube.com Psyche was produced by psychetruth TubeMogul is www.tubemogul.com © Copyright 2008 Austin Wellness Institute of Law . All rights reserved.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Shawn McDonald talks about his happy childhood.
Christian musician, Shawn McDonald, shares her testimony of a life of dependency and to make his sudden conversion to Christ. Incredible!
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11:30 PM
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Interviews fuse Silversun Pickups at Lollapalooza 2009
Tonight, Saturday, August 15 is the right to fusefs Lollapalooza 2009, lots of interviews and performances with Airborne Toxic Event, Tool, Depeche Mode, The Killers, TV on the Radio, Vampire Weekend, Jane's Addiction, mode of Leon, Snoop Dogg, Coheed & Cambria, Rise Against and many more! Lollapalooza 2009, August 15 night at 21:00 | 8C on FUSE.
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1:30 PM
Labels: Interviews, Lollapalooza, Pickups, Silversun
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Elton John - Award of two - Parkinson - BBC
Bulimia lose friends and write love letters to drugs are topics of discussion during the second part of the interview with Elton John Parkinson. free video clips of popular English talk show "Parkinson."
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2:30 PM
Labels: Parkinson
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Goofy backside 360 runners (), the ambush snowboard top
Features Click this link to our site: www.snowboardaddiction.com "The world is the best coach in freestyle snowboarding! - How to create a third less than 360 disaggregated analysis of spiders back. You can purchase this video here be seen on YouTube in two regular or goofy. Visit our website (www.SnowboardAddiction.com) for the whole program. Presented by Mountain Dew, Burton Snowboards, Electric Visual Filmed at the camp of Champions Whistler Blackcomb Rider: Nev Lapwood
Friday, August 6, 2010
Steven Tyler in rehab
We bring you news on Steven Tyler has entered rehab for addiction to painkillers, Mick Jagger, guitarist Ronnie Wood may be used like the Rolling Stones and Wilco on tour in Canada to replace, after playing the Winter Olympics. Rock On! rockitoutblog.com blog rock! Meriwether Band Week Steven Tyler in rehab spin.com http Rolling Stones, Ronnie Wood, replaced? www.spin.com Wilco tour of Canada for the Olympic Games there www.nme.com material for the wall of rock music! PO Box 52 blogButler, NJ 07405 River Road! B 903-361 in Rio INBO Sign Up! B, Rock Out!
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10:30 PM
Labels: Steven
Thursday, August 5, 2010
The Supreme GRAND My B2 dependence
Supreme Grand walk - not run Label: Polydor Catalog #: POSPX809 Format: Vinyl, 12 ", 45 RPM Country: UK Released: 1986 Genre: Pop, Rock Style: Pop Rock Photo Credits - Written by Denis Crossan - Barry Flynn Tracklist A1 Do not Walk (Extended Version) 6.29 - Producer Tim Palmer Tim Palmer B1 B2 Do not Walk 3:27 to 3:31 my addiction
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12:30 PM
Labels: dependence, Supreme
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Fucking Uncle Sam - Brother Ali
"Uncle Sam Damn" Nailing Brother Ali in the U.S. ... passing reminds us of the American political system addicted to war and that the tax is an effective way to break your head ... He believes that the realities of life is more important to rap about ... a true poet ... with excellent flow characteristics ... I see the resurgence of real hip-hop ... What do you mean?
Posted by
9:30 AM
Monday, August 2, 2010
Hawk Roxy - 1985 - No One To Love
November 15, 1985 - a period full of great men with hair on earth. Its dependence on the hair spray is often regarded as the main reason for the destruction of the ozone layer. Morrill Hawk was a singer (Charlie Wayne Band, Bullet Boys) Charles, guitarist Doug Marks (instructor Metal Guitar Method), bassist Lonnie Miller (King Cobra, Bullet Boys) and drummer Scott Travis (Judas Priest, Fight, Racer X ). This performance demonstrates Hawk's Roxy in Hollywood, California.This combination of musicians ever album. The Hawk album appeared the following year and it seems that Doug marks the bill with singer David Fefolt (Masi) and drummer Matt Sorum.
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7:30 AM
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Returns - For You
Returns - For You
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10:30 PM
Labels: Returns
Sunday, July 25, 2010
"The creditor and the rubber duck Junkie"
We say that ducks are plastic and sell it to a donkey Deadbeat has a dependency on ... well ... plastic ducks. Ducks cost me dollars to manufacture and sell a drug for $ 2. My goal is $ 1 a junkie was asking duck-ass plastic debt is still a loan, so I regularly support 50c of the profit I make. I mean, loans, but it is actually a teaser to keep - for ducks. 50c other benefits as investment in business resourcesGoods, property, plant and equipment. The hard stuff - that retain their value and probably increase in future. Friends call me a fool for the loan of this money plastic duck-ass was a drug addict. "This is a robbery" and advised me to wash. "Oh, no doubt," I replied, but all they sell rubber ducks duck me another real income 50c junkie (I'm in that good investment) and benefits of a 50c lie to the addict to keep him happywithout it being too much. And what makes these loans 50c ?.... hahaha ... Buy wildest "plastic ducks. 'S funny. More ducks. Loans 50c addict plastic duck went for me what is written even a bonus. Ok, so has its $ 1trillion to or not, hitherto, it really is a lot of money, but what you gained another 50 cents in real income? In solids, the resources invested...
Posted by
4:30 PM
Labels: creditor, Junkiequot, quotThe, rubber
Friday, July 23, 2010
the most dangerous drug on National Geographic World (place) 6.1
Methamphetamine is one of the cessation of the drug. The violence has devastated rural communities and cities alike. NGC correspondent Lisa Ling is in this global epidemic, to know what makes it so addictive and destructive methods.
Posted by
3:30 AM
Labels: Dangerous, Geographic, National, place
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
I bought it on eBay - OHSHC
No spoilers here, but it is very unlikely. Song: I bought on eBay (or eBay) Artist: Weird Al, I saw this in another AMV ... I thought it would be good fit Ouran. Its really random and pointless.
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11:30 PM
Labels: bought
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Saint Vitus - Dying Inside
Since 1987, the album "Lyrics Born Too Late: Why have my habits, change my mind to drink, I was dying inside lost twice as old as I am to stop and is getting worse, I'm in Use the palm of your hand I can not escape the curse There is nothing I can do, I have no self-control, I let my soul becomes dead wrong When I wake up, say never again to ruin the shots and I opportunities are my friend, I can not control my addiction, I amtried again and again I lose all my friends and lovers of alcohol it's gonna know now, I lost everything to win and I do not know if all vote that I was a nurse to lose to drink my life and I'm dying inside me twice the age that I'm what's left of my head I can not control my addiction, I tried again and again I lose all my friends and fans know that alcohol will make sense
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4:30 PM
Labels: Inside
Saturday, July 17, 2010
ILS - Feed The Addiction (Version EA Games)
ILS - Feed The Addiction Need for Speed: Most Wanted. Sorry, not a clip.
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3:30 PM
Friday, July 16, 2010
How to Save a Life - House MD
The first time I heard this song, I immediately thought of the friendship between House and Wilson. When I heard the song original meaning was about addiction, I knew it was perfect for a home video. Please - speaks volumes about how downloading and uploading and grueling hours of work (in a program that crashes every few minutes) to their manufacturing, and information means a lot. I did what I could use as a possible repetition of fragments of my previous video, I could. This is usually in season 3, mostThe clips have never been used before.
Posted by
3:30 AM
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
MTV Mario and his mom
Interventionist Kevin Dixon and the famous R & B singer Mario, with his mother, who had an addiction. The story of Mario and his mother does not love you to death.
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7:30 PM
Monday, July 12, 2010
Heroin Diaries Podcast Part 1
The first installment of Sixx AM Heroin Diaries Podcast.
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1:30 PM
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Hypnogaja - Come Rain again
Hypnogaja - Here again the rain Sweet November
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2:30 PM
Labels: Hypnogaja
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Grey's Anatomy 4x02 Love Addiction (summary)
Summary of episode 402 and love stories.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Addicted - A memorandum of helplessness (10:04)
ARD documentation (1990-2003) "In the manga junkie Tanja Hamburg by Sabine Braun, Jens Hamann.
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3:30 PM
Labels: 1004, Addicted, helplessness, memorandum
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Kanye West - Addiction - Napisy PL
Kanye West - Addiction Napisy PL. Pochodzą częściowo Napisy z serwisu ale bardzo dużo zmieniałem www.tekstowo.pl. Komentarz miles widziane :-)
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10:30 PM
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Alkaline Trio - dependence
title track from the new album lyrics Alkaline Trio You seem like heroin, you feel it in my veins, I once tried this addiction, I swear I never will take is still football, no chorus, it seems, This lack of drug abuse, I can not live without you This dependence, not going at this type of addiction that I'm missing without you I'm tired of this dependence on me now, methadone, like me, brought me everything the day, try to find my way home Stayinon the road to wait for the truth, yeah Chorus: This dependence apparently can not live without you This dependence, not going to clean this addiction that I miss without you suffering from this addiction for me this dependence, this length dependency I am off the rails, without suffering from this addiction with me
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12:30 AM
Labels: Alkaline, dependence
Monday, June 28, 2010
The Ready-Set Oh Love Like (with lyrics and download link!)
Download Love Like ay here: www.mediafire.com Lyrics: (YYYY-Jr) Woah oh oh oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh woah-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh (j 'I feel that makes no sense) I think you and I are undeniable, but now they are unreliable I love everything I have to stay or be an obstacle in the way? Because you're a little turn on the road a bit 'of a sunset, oh you're a shooting star, I am crazy when the lips do not speak my nameBecause I have insight, or maybe I'm superstitious, but I think you have a very soft pill I swallowed it all, Tell me do a mission, my dear, I have a break somehow? (As), I can not say? It must hurt a love like whoa oh oh oh oh oh, a love like that faced by girls (a-da-da) in a way that makes sense because I don 'do and now I have a step, once he loved, but changed, are now hanging by a threadHow can I be out of my back is like a hurricane, S-Bahn is a path of his car moving fast Oh, I know I can go at their own pace? Kick It Up if I have this direct contact may be full time because you're the one storm can relax, watch, and I can not draw the sun caught in the rain I talk to my lips the name around? Because I have insight, or maybe I'm superstitious, but I think you are a bettersweet ...
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Atmosphere-Pour Me Another (Another Poor Me) W/ Lyrics
Pour Me Another (Another Poor Me) From the album "You Can't Imagine How Much Fun We're Having" V:1 And all she wanted was a little bit of solid, Feels like love, it doesnt matter what you call it, Heal those cuts, or hide em underneath the polish, Break another promise, And take me as a hostage, Hold your job down, And let the zombies crowd around, Thankin mommys god, but its a cops town, Keep it safe for me, While I chase a fantasy, Swerving through the galaxy, Searching for a family, Happily surrounded by planets and stars, She was stuck uptown, you was landed on mars, Its all fucked up now, caught your hand in the jar, Another small step back, for that man at the bar, Spill a little bit of blood on the street, For love that goes to those who know, That they drink too much, And hold your own glass, Up to the heavens, Take the little time to try and count the seconds, It goes [Pour me another, So I can forget you now, Pour me another, So I can come let you down, Pour me another, So I can remember how, True that I am to this addiction of you,] x2 V:2 Drink it all away, numb it down to the none, Stay awake tonight and wait for the sun, You say you hate your life, you aint the only one, Let your frustration out the gate and watch the pony run, One double for the hunger and the struggle, Two for the fool tryna pull apart the puzzle, Three now I smile while I wait for your rebuttal, By the forth shot, Im just another child in a bubble, Tryna play with the passion and the ...
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8:30 PM
Labels: Another, AtmospherePour, Lyrics
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Analog Butthurt
The thread in the chat forum onision.net onision.net my two previous videos Onis; www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
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10:30 AM
Friday, June 18, 2010
Lagwagon Interview
mindyourmind.ca with singer Joey Cape of Lagwagon Punk captured, and talked about the loss of documents and drummer Derrick Plourde dead friend. Derrick, bipolar disorder and has been struggling with an addiction, tragically committed suicide March 30, 2005 diagnosed. His friend Joey told us a bit 'more about who he was and some of his struggles as he knew. With eight albums to date the most recent titled Resolve Lagwagon, all on the life of Derrick, every song is aboutor her. Joey wrote almost exclusively in 2-3 weeks, the album was therapy, "he said, and offered an outlet for their pain.
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12:30 PM
Thursday, June 17, 2010
The Leet World, Episode Twelve: Part 2 of 2
All home nervous now that Ahmad dependence Hax is out of the closet. It is the group of teams to end the endemic abuse, or are the terrorists, to solve problems themselves. Even with all these distractions, someone will realize that the threat to the secrets of the house and all the candidates? And this disastrous conflict force a duel between master and student? This is part 2! For part 1 go to www.youtube.com / Bonus Video LeetWorldFAQ, forums, and episode updates, visit our Web site! www.theleetworld.com
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2:30 AM
Saturday, June 12, 2010
I'm starving (Full Length Video)
Pamela is anorexic, bulimia and a mission, not more than 40 pounds, something you feel is normal.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Muse - [Resistance LYRICSS]
Resistance Lyrics Muse. From the album: The Resistance:) Thanks to Matt Dom and Chris for writing this songg peer creatingg:) anotherr fusion musical genius his game: P See my other video texts and questions? put it on my page: D and I as soon as possible youu onee x thaanks Make five STARSS wholee you gave! veryy grateful: D xx iluuu FORR recommend some songs to do when I havent themm peer alreadyy fact, I get a video Make youu (Y)
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5:30 PM
Labels: LYRICSS, Resistance
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
One study comparing Tanning Addiction
A new study suggests, you can get in a tanning bed as addictive as drugs and alcohol.
Posted by
10:30 AM
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Rick MacDonald, Richmond believes that his son, aged 20 years is addicted to the game, and want to help.
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12:30 PM
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Chuckie A & E Intervention - - Part 5 / 5
Chuckie A & E Intervention - - Part 5
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9:30 AM
Labels: Chuckie, Intervention
Monday, May 31, 2010
XXXChurch: Nightline Porn Debate (Part 2 / 10)
XXXCHURCH.com PART 3 - Part 1 http - www.youtube.com This is the second part of the full version of the great debate Nightline covered scenes of Yale University and hosted by Martin Bashir.
Posted by
9:30 PM
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Devil May Cry 4-18 - The Destroyer [2.1]
Devil May Cry 4 - Mission 18 - The Destroyer [2:01] Devil Hunter mode, first play! Please visit: www.bonersgames.com and help me feed my video game addiction!
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8:30 AM
Labels: Destroyer
Monday, May 24, 2010
"Gravity" - Sara Bareilles (REQUEST) - Plus Winter Tour Info!
A lot of you have been requesting this for a loooong time now... So, I figured I'd try it out! Bear with me though, I'm fighting off a cold =( Oh, and I'm coming to California again! The Manny Garcia Winter Tour December 5-14, 2009 There are still some dates open, so go to www.iammanny.com for booking! See you soon! Manny
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Alkaline Trio - "This Addiction" 3/10 Letterman (TheAudioPerv.com)
www.theaudioperv.com Alkaline Trio performed "This Addiction" on the Late Show with David Letterman on 3 Follow us on Twitter www.twitter.com
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1:30 AM
Labels: Addiction, Alkaline, Letterman, TheAudioPervcom
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Ryan Leslie - Addiction (Remix) (ft. Cassie & Fabolous)
Ryan Leslie - Addiction (Official Remix) (ft. Cassie & Fabolous) The Official Remix to the song! And so the full song too!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
How Weed Won the West - TRAILER a blur by Kevin Booth
infowars-shop.stores.yahoo.net In the follow-up to his ground-breaking documentary 'American Drug War,' filmmaker Kevin Booth traces the fight against Federal drug regulation in the State of California. A public majority has spoken and said yes to states rights, allowing for the use of medicinal marijuana and opening up a new front in controversial medicinal 'dispensaries.' While users herald the freedom of legally-licensed "weed," powerful forces at the DEA and law enforcement haven't given up their federal enforcement power yet. Many dispensaries have been raided, targeting their distribution of marijuana and challenging their authority to rise into legitimate business. In the backdrop of this public dispute is the Dark Alliance-- where governments handle the volume of drug trafficking and work with cartels and drug dealers to manage the drug flow. Just like the prohibition of alcohol, drugs have thrived on their illicit appeal, and doomed millions of non-violent offenders to incarceration and prosecution. Now, those swearing by the healing power of medicinal marijuana as well as those who simply refuse to be outlawed by a hypocritical rogue government are daring to stand up and declare that the violence, corruption and uncontrolled flow of drugs is due to the prohibition of the substance, not the substance itself. Big Pharma has put millions of non-"drug" users on hallucinogenic prescription drugs and instituted new forms of addiction and dependency, challenging our ...
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11:30 AM
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Jane's Addiction - I Would For You (Hammerstein Ballroom)
Jane's Addiction - I Would For You (Hammerstein Ballroom, New York City, NY, 1997-10-31 )
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9:30 AM
Labels: Addiction, Ballroom, Hammerstein, Janes
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
I Stand Alone by Jackyl
I love this song and it is probly considered and addiction. This is I Stand Alone by Jackyl. Hope you like it and remember to subscribe!
Posted by
3:30 AM
Labels: Jackyl
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Fat Choi Spirit (嚦咕嚦咕新年財) - Part 9
Fat Choi Spirit (嚦咕嚦咕新年財) - Part 9 Starring: Andy Lau, Louis Koo, Sean Lau Ching Wan, Gigi Leung, Cherrie Ying, Angela Tong... Genres:Comedy Year 2002 Hong Kong Movies Cantonese Version Andy Lau as Tak-Wah, a "Mahjong Warrior" whose addiction to mahjong caused the eventual bankruptcy of his family. However, he managed to turn his game around when he was blessed by Wing-Kei (Gigi Leung). Wing-Kei is a sweet girl who'll do anything for Tak-Wah, to the detriment of anyone who gets in her way. Tak-Wah would like to marry her, but only if she cleans up her act, which is tough going. Tak-Wah is reunited with his mom (Bonnie Wong) and brother Tin-Lok (Louis Koo) when Tin-Lok's Internet firm goes belly up. Tak-Wah lets them stay at his opulent mansion while he goes about his usual mahjong ways. However, Tin-Lok hates mahjong because it was the cause of their first bankruptcy, and swears not to be involved with it in any way. Then self-styled "Master of Mahjong" Ching-Wan (Lau Ching-Wan) shows up to swindle the two brothers, but Tak-Wahs' amazing mahjong powers seem to have left him. (...)
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8:30 PM
Labels: Spirit
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Bad Medicine - Bon Jovi **Lyrics**
*Lyrics* "Bad Medicine" I ain't got a fever got a permanent disease It'll take more than a doctor to prescribe a remedy I got lots of money but it isn't what I need Gonna take more than a shot to get this poison out of me I got all the symptoms count 'em 1,2,3 First you need That's what you get for falling in love Then you bleed You get a little but it's never enough On your knees That's what you get for falling in love And now this boy's addicted cause your kiss is the drug Your love is like bad madicine Bad medicine is what I need Shake it up, just like bad madicine There ain't no doctor that can Cure my disease Bad, bad medicine Bad, bad medicine I don't need no needle To be giving me a thrill And I don't need no anesthesia Or a nurse to bring a pill I got a dirty down addiction It doesn't leave a track I got a jone for your affection Like a monkey on my back There ain't no paramedic Gonna save this heart attack When you need That's what you get for falling in love Then you bleed You get a little but it's never enough On your knees That's what you get for falling in love Now I'm addicted and your kiss is the drug Your love is like bad madicine Bad medicine is what I need Shake it up, just like bad madicine So let's play doctor, baby Cure my disease Bad, bad medicine Bad, bad medicine [Solo] I need a respirator cause I'm running out of breath You're an all night generator wrapped is stockings and a dress When you find your medicine you take what you can get Cause if ...
Posted by
11:30 AM
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Iboga therapy2
Iboga therapy in action
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10:30 PM
Labels: therapy2
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Twiztid - My addiction
this is my favorite song from psychopathics from outer space 3 [Chorus: x2] [Monoxide:] I just wanna see [Madrox:] Everybody bleed [Monoxide:] Can you invision my [Madrox:] Darkest fantasy? [Monoxide:] Come with me, won't you run to the middle of my mind and see [Madrox:] How fucked up it can be. [Monoxide:] You don't poke or provoke me when I am smoking Razor blade under my coat slit your throat clean Drive you out in a boat and now your fish feed All because of my weird addiction to make a xxxxx bleed Since a kid I've been in all kids of counseling They told my mom and dad that an evil lives inside of him I'm dangerous and combust at any second my wig slit And if I explode clear the wreckage Car crashed and I did that xxxx on purpose Had a hooker with me and shes in need of medical services Could have tok her with me but instead I left her for dead And now there looking for me so I am hiding out in the shed And I been in it for a week now and I been feinding just to get somebody bleeding But in the mean while I lay low unless the bleeding won't stop I got bored and cut off my hand with one chop [Madrox:] Say hey... I don't think I like it anyway But your not gonna tell me what to play Cause I got a flavor that so addictive I know you'll dig it ok? Come on now we can play a game. Grab yourself a shovel and dig a grave Promise not to die it's so addictive I know You'll dig it ok Some times brain waves get scrambled I go blank and fly off the handle More hot air for the ...
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10:30 AM
Monday, April 19, 2010
The Effects Of Crystal Meth by Mike Çota
effects of crystal meth Music Outwork - Elektro
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12:30 AM
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Streets Of Plenty - 4 of 7 - Vancouver Homeless Doc
An unprecedented look into the underworld of Vancouver's downtown eastside ghetto, this 65 minute documentary follows one man's 30 day experiment of joining the thousands of homeless, ill, and addicted, who survive the streets of Vancouver's cold, wet December. He starts off with nothing but a pair of underwear. Where he ends up is a place he never knew existed, even though its a place he passed by every day. This is the perfect film for anyone who wants to see first hand what life is like on Vancouver's streets, but doesn't want to risk murder from gang violence, contracting a fatal or chronic disease, or a life-long addiction to crack or heroin. Official Selection 2009 Queens International Film Festival Official Selection 2010 Oxford FIlm Festival
Friday, April 16, 2010
Why I Quit Tithing
Why I quit tithing. I am a blessed non-tither, and I am still being healed from my legalism addiction. Thankfully, I have been sober for many years now. Praise You, Jesus. This video is also dedicated to You, Lord, the true Tithe given by Father to sanctify my heart.
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8:30 AM
Labels: Tithing
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
an internet addiction
Based on a true story. Get off the computer, Juan .
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8:30 AM
Friday, April 9, 2010
Cherie Currie - Post Runaways Interviews
Cherie Currie of The Runaways doing some post Runaways interviews about her life and drug addiction.
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8:30 PM
Labels: Cherie, Currie, Interviews, Runaways
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Mnet: DBSK 2008 mkmf
DBSK mkmf performance since 2008: my addiction.
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2:30 PM
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Nikki Sixx on Fuse TV
In a television fuse General Nikki Sixx of Motley Crue, addiction and recovery.
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10:30 PM
Friday, April 2, 2010
Uncle Sam Goddamn - Brother Ali
"Uncle Sam Goddamn", Brother Ali's riveting take on America's checkered past...reminding us of the American political system's addiction to war and that the taxes are an effective funding of crack heads...he believes that the actualities of life are more important to rap about...a true poet...with excellent flow...I can see the revival of true hip-hop...what do you think?!
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10:30 AM
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Dope Sick Love [Part 5 of 9]
"Dope Sick Love" is a really remarkable documentary made for HBO about two pairs of heroin addicted lovers roaming the streets of NYC. I managed to catch it one night by accident and found it absolutely mesmerizing. There is no narration and we never see any interviews with the subjects, the camera just follows them around, like a third eye, completely detached. The people being followed don't even seem aware that they're being filmed! (or, at least, they don't seem to care). The footage is amazingly candid. Some of the most candid I've ever seen. This is as real as it gets. The nuts and bolts of what its like to be on the street and addicted to heroin. We watch them score dope, shoot it, make up, hustle, and even impersonate cops to rob people, and about a million other tiny details that less observant documentary filmmakers would leave out. Some of the footage is truly horrifying. Like watching one guy frantically searching for fix he lost. I found myself praying that he would find it, just so that his misery would temporarily end. And when he does find it, the guy literally dances in the street. The cyclical nature of drug addiction becomes very apparent while watching this. EVERYTHING is about getting the next score to these folks, yet the next score seems to be well worth the immense trouble they go through. I would love to get a copy of this, if anyone knows where it is available. Highly recommended, if you can catch it on HBO.
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11:30 PM
Sunday, March 28, 2010
I Want To Confront Steve 1 - 3
Steve Wilkos Hosting Jerry Springer
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8:30 PM
Labels: Confront
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Swimming Pool in Room // Facebook Addiction
Follow // Add these Sites. facebook : tinyurl.com second channel : tinyurl.com blogtv : tinyurl.com Thanks for watching. Please, (if you enjoy my videos) spread the word about them. Tell ya friends, fam, etc! :) You can help me out by : joining me on the other websites I'm on, making fan photos, making videos about me, etc! Please, show some love!! Thanks for watching. Please, comment - rate - subscribe.
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5:30 AM
Monday, March 22, 2010
Porno for Pyros Hard Charger
Where Martyn? "Private Parts" movie premiere. Flea, Peter Distefano, all of Jane's, minus Avery and Chelyapov Leo plays the clarinet. One of the best shows I've seen. I must have been viewed 20 times. Health.
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5:30 PM
Labels: Charger
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Lisa Scinto - High (original)
Go to 1:20, the song and not just my rant against drugs) of the song "Let me in touch and listen to me, I can be sure that you're hooked. Let me interrupt you, I will be your hero, I will have to cut. I'll be your "bad trip" Coming Around. Drink me, take me inside. Look at me and I'll blow your mind. I am what you need, try to call me. Leave your car tonight. I'll be your release. Let and Let Me Hold You, I love you like you've never seen. Let me, Igoing crazy. I can deal with rain drops in my veins. I suggest that cocaine. Drink me, take me inside. Look at me and I'll blow your mind. I am what you need, try to call me. Leave your car tonight. I'll be your release. I once inside, you can not fight, no place to hide. Do not even try, because when I go, you ask me more. Drink Me, take me to her. Look at me and I'll blow your mind. I am what you need, call Let me try. LetHis trip this evening. I will be your top (x2) I'm sorry ... This heat of the desert has a number on my voice: (So either, but I like the idea of love as dangerous as drug addiction, I had to get up there. Thanks for your comments of support., Evaluating lot Please sign up ! Find me on Twitter and Facebook:) Until next time!
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12:30 AM
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Xanax (anxiolytic addiction and withdrawal)
Be My Friend - www.myspace.com Gwen Olsen spent fifteen years as a pharmaceutical sales rep working for such health care giants as Johnson & Johnson, Bristol-Myers Squibb, and Abbott Laboratories. She enjoyed a successful, fast-paced career until several conscious-altering experiences began awakening her to the dangers lurking in every American medicine cabinet. Her most poignant lessons, however, came as both victim and survivor of life-threatening adverse drug reactions. After leaving pharmaceutical sales in 2000, Gwen worked in the natural foods industry first as an Account Manager for Nature's Way, and then as a Regional Sales Manager for Gaia Herbs. She is currently a writer, speaker, and natural health consultant. In this video Gwen discusses anxiolytics (anti-anxiety medications). These medications are sometimes also called minor tranquilizers. These drugs include the benzodiazephines such as Valium, Xanax and Ativan. Buspar is also non-benzodiazephine anxiolytic. These drugs are highly addictive and people experience severe withdrawal symptoms when coming off of these drugs. Gwen specifically talks about her own Xanax addiction. She also discusses "rebound syndrome" and "discontinuation syndrome", which are basically just withdrawal symptoms. www.gwenolsen.com www.youtube.com www.livevideo.com
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6:30 PM
Labels: Addiction, anxiolytic, withdrawal
Friday, March 12, 2010
Fat Choi Spirit (嚦咕嚦咕新年財) - Part 6
Fat Choi Spirit (嚦咕嚦咕新年財) - Part 6 Starring: Andy Lau, Louis Koo, Sean Lau Ching Wan, Gigi Leung, Cherrie Ying, Angela Tong... Genres:Comedy Year 2002 Hong Kong Movies Cantonese Version Andy Lau as Tak-Wah, a "Mahjong Warrior" whose addiction to mahjong caused the eventual bankruptcy of his family. However, he managed to turn his game around when he was blessed by Wing-Kei (Gigi Leung). Wing-Kei is a sweet girl who'll do anything for Tak-Wah, to the detriment of anyone who gets in her way. Tak-Wah would like to marry her, but only if she cleans up her act, which is tough going. Tak-Wah is reunited with his mom (Bonnie Wong) and brother Tin-Lok (Louis Koo) when Tin-Lok's Internet firm goes belly up. Tak-Wah lets them stay at his opulent mansion while he goes about his usual mahjong ways. However, Tin-Lok hates mahjong because it was the cause of their first bankruptcy, and swears not to be involved with it in any way. Then self-styled "Master of Mahjong" Ching-Wan (Lau Ching-Wan) shows up to swindle the two brothers, but Tak-Wahs' amazing mahjong powers seem to have left him. (...)
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2:30 PM
Labels: Spirit
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
World of Warcraft: Dangerous Addiction or Cultural Phenomena
A short documentary, made from the gamers' point of view, about how playing World of Warcraft has affected their lives and how they see it fit in with modern society.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Hana Kimi Episode 11 Part 2 of 5
Enjoy ^. ^ Made by D-Addicts.com Video
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3:30 PM
Labels: Episode
Monday, March 1, 2010
Hana Kimi Episode 10 Part 1 of 5
Enjoy ^. ^ Made by D-Addicts.com Video The drama is based on the popular manga of the same name by Nakajo Hisaya, which has already been dramatized in Taiwan. Horikita plays the protagonist Ashiya Mizuki, a Japanese girl in the U.S. One day, he discovers that the young athlete Izumi Sano (Oguri) compete in the high jump on television. He begins to love, and decides to move to Japan to accompany the same school as him. However, Izumi goes to a school for boys only, so Mizuki disguises herself as a childto realize the dream of being with her idol.
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12:30 AM
Labels: Episode
Thursday, February 25, 2010
[Esp] Taste vs. Taste DBSK 061008 - 1 / 9
Vs DBSK press [Eng Subbed production DBSJ] addicts.com fansub.d-uploaded by me ^ ^ PERSONAL USE!
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10:30 PM
Labels: 061008
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Brown Eyed Girls (브라운아이드걸스) - Abracadabra MV [HD] Eng. Subs
Brown Eyed Girls (브라운아이드걸스) - Abracadabra MV [HD] English Subs MP3 Download Link: www.4shared.com - Please visit kjpopbands.blogspot.com foryour daily update of K Pop News Posts - Finally the MV for Abracadabra is out and I really like the MV, the girls look great and I am sure your going to like this MV. I just hope this MV dose not get banned since its kinda racy. I am kinda of new to Brown Eyed Girls and I been checking out some of their old and new material over the past week and I got to say they are starting to become one of my favorite Korean girl groups. - Remember to subscribe to my backup account: www.youtube.com I will be uploading all my most poplular mv's there just in case this one gets suspended. - This symbol § is just a watermark that will replace the dot at the right corner of the videos I upload since it really takes some time for me to make videos Into simulated or real HD quality. The next time you see a dot or this symbol § on other youtube accounts it mean that they copied or ripped the video out of my Youtube Channel.
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11:30 AM
Labels: Abracadabra